MFIPIAAI WalkRunRide-AtlasGo Event Registration
MFI Stronger Together at 50 – To celebrate 50 years, we wanted to do an activity that can feature our community’s strength, by organizing a challenge that we can all participate in, and so that’s why we invited AtlasGo to make to this all possible!
Community Challenge – 50,000KM in 6 weeks (42 days) – for the whole community to tackle. Sounds impossible? Maybe or maybe not. Here me out.
Activities – How to achieve this 50,000km in 6 weeks? we have 3 main activities that you can use to contribute to this Community Challenge. You will need a smartphone with IOS or Android na system (sorry for the huawei users), because you will need to download the AtlasGo App and register. And when the event starts on Oct 14:
a. For those who are bikers, you can bike.
b. For those of your who run, you can run.
c. What about those like me, who is too lazy to exercise? You can walk.
d. We recognize that we also have PWDs in our midst, who would want to also contribute, so we have included a special category – wheelchair.
50,000km seems like an impossible distance. But how does one tackle a complex problem like that? By starting one step at a time. So don’t think of the whole goal, just think of what you can contribute, even if its 1 km per day, or 5 km a day, let the MFI Community be your inspiration to get up and move!
Goals: MFI Stronger Together at 50 has 3 main goals. To:
a) Celebrate our 50th Anniversary,
b) Raise funds for the School (scholarship fund through the P500 registration fee per participant)
c) Re-establish our connections and develop a database within the different parts of our MFI community, which will be our basis for future interactions (Faculty & Staff, Students, Alumni, Family, Friends, and Partners)
Side benefits:
a) MFI Brand Awareness – Each participant can share their sweaty selfies after each workout, on their social media page. They will help promote MFI to their sphere of influence.
b) Health – For 6 weeks, this can be our motivation to exercise.
Excited na ba kayo? G? Kaya?
The event starts in 2 weeks, on October 14. Starting today until Oct 14, can we ask for your help? Help us promote this event to your friends, family, colleagues, and fellow alumni.