According to Robert Kiyosaki, to succeed in life, we must first accept the fact that problems will NEVER go away.
Once we have solved a problem, another problem will arrive. The sad thing is that if we haven’t been able to solve the previous problem, the new problem may be a bigger one. This cycle will happen as long as we’re breathing. There will always be situations that aren’t perfect and will challenge us to grow, or drag us to the bottom and stay stuck in life.
The key is to realize that the “PROCESS” of solving those problems makes people successful.
Successful people can handle bigger problems while others tend to avoid it. We should remember that by the time we were able to solve not only our personal problems, but other people’s problem as well, that’s also the time we will become successful.
As author T. Eker stated: “The bigger problems you can handle; the bigger business you can handle, the bigger responsibilities you can handle, the more customers you can handle and the more money and wealth you can handle”. There’s a lot of truth in that statement.
A reality we see is that many Filipinos choose to seek their fortune somewhere else because what we mostly see are problems and hardly any opportunity in our country. On the contrary, the Chinese and other nationalities choose to stay here because they have found this same country as a haven of opportunity.
Who is saying the truth? The answer is BOTH. It depends on whether you want to look at the problem or look at the opportunity, which are both present at the same time.
While there are people who feel unfortunate being born and raised in the Philippines because of the many problems we encounter every day, it is inspiring to know that some of Forbes top 40 successful people became billionaires doing their thing in the Philippines.
This is a proof that “hidden behind every problem is an opportunity”.
And because the Philippines has so many problems..that means the Philippines has so many opportunities.